
Console command on entry with quotes in command

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Ive been having an issue with getting a /give command to work as intended.

/rg flag -w "thealaterworld" seeker2 console-command-on-entry "minecraft:give %username% minecraft:stick{display:{Name:'[{"text":"The Stick","color":"gold","bold":true},{"text":"","color":"gold","bold":false}]',Lore:['[{"text":"Hide and Seek stick","bold":true}]','[{"text":"","bold":true}]','[{"text":"Left click on players you find","bold":true}]']},Enchantments:[{id:"minecraft:vanishing_curse",lvl:1}],Tags:["HideAndSeek"]} 1"

as you can see there is a lot of quoting going on in there. the weird part is, that players do get a stick. the stick does not stack with normal sticks but it is not named nor has any lore... im a bit lost so i hope you can help me here :)

also this might be intentional but the discord link on the Spigot page doesnt work. this has been fooling me for a while since every time i run into an issue i got my hopes up that it works :D

thank you in advance
