
Inline markdown not rendering correctly

apryor6 opened this issue · 3 comments

I have recently encountered an issue with inline markdown code with backticks failing to render properly. I previously had blog posts that looked correct, but upon adding something new and rerendering the entire site it appears inline code is broken everywhere. Do you observe a similar problem?

jrfnl commented

@apryor6 Just wondering: when did you last rerender the site ? and what version of Jekyll et al are you using. Markdown is supported by default using kramdown, but there are also some extensions around with slightly different interpretations.
Most notably GH Pages switched to Jekyll 3 in Feb 2016 removing support for the often used RedCarpet alternative and that caused quite some trouble for quite a few sites. See

This is through my GitHub pages on this account. I did note the recent change and adjusted my configuration file to reflect markdown: kramdown, but that unfortunately did not help.

jrfnl commented

The change I mentioned above also included a switch from Pygments to Rouge for the code highlighter, I've seen quite some issues with that as well. Could that be the real reason for your issue ?

This is a draft of an article I intended to publish around that time (but never got round to publishing in the end), might be helpful for you: