
Logs every email sended by laravel (via Mail class include queued mails), preventing duplicates, Monitors email reads, have event MessageRead.

Primary LanguagePHP


Logs every email sended by laravel (via Mail class include queued mails), preventing duplicates, u can override this by adding in bcc skeep@me.com or u can limit frequency (by default 30 minutes) of duplicates by adding in bcc delay@me.com (this can be changed in config file) Monitors email reads, have event MessageRead.

  • install
composer require iwedmak/mail-log
  • Or
php composer.phar require iwedmak/mail-log
  • Or add to composer.json
"iwedmak/mail-log": "dev-master"

Register provider, add this to config/app.php in providers array:


After that u will need to publish config

php artisan vendor:publish

and publish migrations and migrate

php artisan maillog:migration
php artisan migrate

Now we can subscribe to mailsend event, by adding to app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php

protected $subscribe = [

Now u have one more event, it's iWedmak\Mail\MessageRead when email was read.