
Document miss -tls none option?

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in the article

it has a commandline:

$ goatcounter serve -db sqlite3://db/goatcounter.sqlite3 -listen :5000 -tls none

i tried goatcounter help listen:

        http        Don't serve any TLS; you can still generate ACME
                    certificates though.

        proxy       Don't serve any TLS. Similar to "http" but hint that TLS
                    will be handled by a proxy (such as Hitch, Nginx, etc.)

        tls         Accept TLS connections on -listen. This is always done
                    unless "http" or "proxy" are added so this is never needed,
                    but can be useful to clarify that TLS is used.

        rdr         Redirect port 80 to the -listen port; as mentioned it's
                    required for Let's Encrypt to be available on port 80. You
                    can also use a proxy in front of GoatCounter (documented in
                    more detail below).

        acme[:dir]  Create TLS certificates with ACME.

                    This can optionally followed by a : and a cache directory
                    path (default: ./acme-secrets) where the certificates and
                    your account key will be stored. The directory will be
                    created if it doesn't exist yet. As indicated by the name,
                    the contents of this directory should be kept *secret*.

        file.pem    TLS certificate and keyfile, in one file. This can be used
                    as an alternative to Let's Encrypt if you already have a
                    certificate from your domain from a CA. This can use used
                    multiple times (e.g. "-tls file1.pem,file2.pem").

                    This can also be combined with the acme option: GoatCounter
                    will try to use a certificate file for the domain first, and
                    if this doesn't exist it will try to create a certificate
                    with ACME.

i can not find the none option explaination

mk12 commented

I believe the none option was renamed to http. You should use -tls http instead.

Yes, that is correct, it got changed back in 2021. Although both will work:

I'd rather not document deprecated options, especially since many have been deprecated for years now.