
Error in script due to 'sleep level = unknown'

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When using the Web API and recent docker-compose.yml to setup the containers the script errors:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/app/", line 580, in
get_daily_data_limit_100d(start_date_str, end_date_str) # 1 query
File "/app/", line 411, in get_daily_data_limit_100d
'level': sleep_level_mapping[sleep_stage["level"]],
KeyError: 'unknown'

Apparantly the data returned by Fitbit contains a sleep level unknown.

Because the script breaks in the container, it also doesn't save anything to the influxdb. Is there a way to catch this error in the code or still save the rest of the data to the influxdb?

Thank you for reporting the issue. It's been fixed in eba14ce

The current mapping stands as
sleep_level_mapping = {'wake': 3, 'rem': 2, 'light': 1, 'deep': 0, 'asleep': 1, 'restless': 2, 'awake': 3, 'unknown': 4}

So, the 'unknown' level will be mapped to level 4 in the influxdb database. You might need to adjust the Grafana dashboard accordingly. You might set the cap at level 3 to disregard the unknown values.

Please run docker compose pull and docker compose down followed by docker compose up -d to restart the container with the patched container I just released. Your refresh tokens are stored locally with local mount so you won't have to go through the setup again. I hope this patch fixes the issue. Please reopen this thread if not.

Thank you again @mwelkers

Can confirm it all works now. Thanks for the quick fix!

No problem at all! Happy to help.