
Azure SDK

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Azure SDK

The Azure SDK delivers a platform for developers to leverage the wide variety of Azure services in their language of choice. The source for the client libraries exists for the most part in repositories for each language. This repository is meant to be a jumping off point into those language specific repositories. Issues related to a specific language should be opened in the corresponding repository but cross cutting issues can be opened in this repository.

Language Design Guidelines Repo Documentation
General General Design Guidelines azure-sdk Repository Official Azure Documentation
C# /.NET Design Guidelines for .NET azure-sdk-for-net Repository .NET Preview Documentation
Go azure-sdk-for-go Repository Go Documentation
Java Design Guidelines for Java azure-sdk-for-java Repository Java Documentation
JavaScript Design Guidelines for JavaScript and TypeScript azure-sdk-for-js Repository JavaScript Documentation
Python Design Guidelines for Python azure-sdk-for-python Repository Python Documentation

Service teams should schedule reviews of their client libraries with the ADP Review Board. See the Review Process for more information.


  • SDK: Software Development Kit. This refers to the entire Azure SDK for a single language, itself broken up into numerous Azure SDK Client Libraries (as defined below).

  • Client Library. This refers to a library (and associated tools, documentation, and samples) that customers/developers use to ease working with an Azure service. There is often one client library per service and per programming language. Sometimes a single client library will contain the ability to connect to multiple services. Each client library is published separately to the appropriate language-specific package repository. These releases are performed exclusively by the Azure SDK engineering systems team. Customers/Developers consume and use each client library separately as necessary to solve their use case.

  • Package. This refers to a client library after it has been packaged for distribution for customer-developers to consume. Examples are:

    • A Nuget package for a .NET client library
    • A Maven package for a Java library
    • An NPM package for a JavaScript library
    • A Python wheel for a Python library

Azure Service Libraries

The following is a list of Azure services and links to their open source code:

Client Libraries

Service Name Language Availability
Azure Storage .NET Go Java Javascript Python
CosmosDB Java Javascript Python
Key Vault .NET Java Node Python
Service Bus .NET Java Javascript Python
Event Hubs .NET Java Javascript Python
IotHub, Iot Devices, IotHub Provisioning Service, IotHub Provisioning Device .NET Java Node Python
Event Grid .NET Java Node Python
Batch .NET Java Node Python
HDInsight .NET Go Java Javascript Python
Application Insights Ingestion .NET Java Node Python
Application Insights Query .NET Java Node Python
Log Analytics Query .NET Java Node Python
Data Lake Analytics .NET Java Node Python
Data Lake Store .NET Java Python
Azure Search .NET
Relay .NET Node
Cognitive Services .NET Java


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When you submit a pull request, a CLA-bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., label, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.

Internal azure-sdk DevOps Wiki