
Restore fails if restored folder points to a file

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

I'm trying to restore a file from Glacier and arq_restore seems to be having issues restoring folder UUIDs that are actually files. It fails when creating the file locally:

jamil@mbp:~/restore % arq_restore listfolders old_mbp 615632FC-2566-4C60-9844-CD58965BFDCD                                     
enter encryption password: target   arq-akiaibbdtoeaverwclcq-us-west-2
computer 615632FC-2566-4C60-9844-CD58965BFDCD
	folder /Users/jamil/Documents
		uuid F603D5DA-2615-4E2E-B2D5-2786C3837370
	folder /Users/jamil/.bitcoin/wallet.dat
		uuid D7263240-84FD-46A0-99EA-334AEFC59F4F
jamil@mbp:~/restore % arq_restore restore old_mbp 615632FC-2566-4C60-9844-CD58965BFDCD D7263240-84FD-46A0-99EA-334AEFC59F4F
enter encryption password: target   arq-akiaibbdtoeaverwclcq-us-west-2
computer 615632FC-2566-4C60-9844-CD58965BFDCD
folder   D7263240-84FD-46A0-99EA-334AEFC59F4F

restoring folder /Users/jamil/.bitcoin/wallet.dat to /Users/jamil/restore/wallet.dat

status: Calculating sizes
status: Requesting items be made downloadable
requested 366880 of 618496
status: Restoring /Users/jamil/restore/wallet.dat
status: Restoring /Users/jamil/restore/wallet.dat/.
/Users/jamil/restore/wallet.dat/. error: “wallet.dat” couldn’t be removed.
status: Restoring /Users/jamil/restore/wallet.dat
restore finished.
jamil@mbp:~/restore % file wallet.dat
wallet.dat: directory
jamil@mbp:~/restore % du -h wallet.dat
  0B	wallet.dat

I remember I had selected this file to be backed up within Arq. Any tips?

Edit: To be more clear, this is actually a file and not a directory.

Fixed it for the single-file case.

Thanks for the quick fix! I can verify it's working now.