
update licensing for included components

Closed this issue · 3 comments

There are a few open source components we use (bootstrap-sortable is one that comes to mind) and to be proper OSS citizens, we should include those licenses in this repo.

I'm thinking we update LICENSE to include something like this:

This project includes COMPONENT_A and which is available under a 'MIT' License.
For details, see:

This product includes COMPONENT_B and which is available under a 'Apache-2.0' License.
For details, see:

Components to include:

Bootstrap -
hugo-snippets -


Social Share Kit

Social Share Kit by is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License
Read more:

See online version of this license here:

(we should add language to the license that if ado-hugo is used on a commercial site, they are responsible for acquiring their own license for SSK)

Resolved in #343