
add guest landing page

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I checked out the first page of; while (until you scroll down to the paginator) it's a good overview of our excellent past guests named Aaron, perhaps we could use a guest landing page that shows either a random or a curated set of guests, or perhaps info about being a guest, to assuage fears that we are an Aaron-centric podcast.


Heh. Yeah, if we wanted the behavior of this to change, I'll have to make a change to castanet

Random is actually pretty hard, because it's a static site generator, it would be random that only changed when the site was built (which basically means when a new episode is published). Curated might work a little better from a tech perspective, but then it needs to be curated.

I'm leery of replacing it with a landing page saying how to be a guest, because:

  • We don't need more ways of PR firms to find us
  • Despite not being an Aaron-centered podcast, a destination that lists all the guests is a feature I don't want to remove


In discussion with @mattstratton he pointed out that this would be more of an issue for the Hugo theme than for our repo. As we aren't planning on pursuing this, I'm closing this issue.