
From WebForm to WinForm Modification

hk-moon opened this issue · 3 comments


I will slice change your ASP.NET program and will make a WinForm program.
But some issues is generating now.
Please check and advice of return.

The test procedure is Setting --> HSMS , OK -->Action ---> Connection

The issue message is
12:32:05::595 : HsmsActiveMode = False
12:32:05::606 : HsmsIPAddress =
12:32:05::609 : HsmsPort = 5100
12:32:05::612 : HsmsDeviceID = 0
12:32:05::615 : HsmsT3 = 45000
12:32:05::618 : HsmsT5 = 10000
12:32:05::620 : HsmsT6 = 5000
12:32:05::622 : HsmsT7 = 10000
12:32:05::625 : HsmsT8 = 5000
12:32:05::628 : HsmsTestRequestTime = 60000
12:32:05::631 : HsmsSocketBufferSize = 8192
12:32:09.262 : Mode:Passive
12:32:09.266 : Remote IP:
12:32:09.269 : Port:5100
12:32:09.272 : Wait Connect....
12:32:32.667 : System.NullReferenceException: 개체 참조가 개체의 인스턴스로 설정되지 않았습니다.
위치: iScanHSMS.HsmsConnection.ChangeConnectionState(ConnectionState state) 파일 C:\Users\hkmoo\Desktop\SECS\iScanHSMS\iScanHSMS_20231113-1\iScanHSMS_20231113\iScanHSMS\HsmsConnection.cs:줄 304
위치: iScanHSMS.HsmsConnection.<>c__DisplayClass41_1.<<-ctor>b__5>d.MoveNext() 파일 C:\Users\hkmoo\Desktop\SECS\iScanHSMS\iScanHSMS_20231113-1\iScanHSMS_20231113\iScanHSMS\HsmsConnection.cs:줄 220

Hi hk_mood:

This is an error related to developers. You declared a private static ISecsGemLogger _logger; but did not assign a value to it, resulting in a System.NullReferenceException. The solution is as follows: assign a value to the variable.

public HsmsConnection(SecsGemOptions _configuration, ISecsGemLogger _logger )
    HsmsConnection._logger = _logger;

I will change your code but can't find any solutions.
Please commant me.

private async void SendDataMessage_Completed(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e)
await completeToken.Task.WaitAsync(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(T3)).ConfigureAwait(false);
===> ? (Winform Net 4.7.2)