
Syntax color for objects

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There seem to be a bug with the syntax highlighting when using objects. I know this is not a largely used feature of OCaml but I'm experimenting with objects at the moment and it seems that the hightlighting there is not correct.

The following code

class ['s] list_monoid = object
  inherit ['s] VisitorsRuntime.monoid
  method private zero = []
  method private plus = (@)

let literal_base_elements (lit : Literal.t) : Literal.t list =
  let v = object
    inherit [_] Visitors.reduce as super
    inherit [_] list_monoid
    method visit_literal e = function
    | LList _ as l -> super#visit_literal e l
    | l -> [l]
  end in
  v#visit_literal () lit

which compiles properly doesn't get highlighted properly.


I think this problem is inherited from every other syntax of OCaml for vscode