
extensions and known_extensions should be written without the prefix into

Opened this issue · 3 comments

When building a 'classic' perl, the values look like this:
extensions='attributes B Compress/Raw/Bzip2 Compress/Raw/Zlib Cwd Data/Dumper Devel/Peek Devel/PPPort Digest/MD5 Digest/SHA Encode Fcntl File/DosGlob File/Glob Filter/Util/Call Hash/Util Hash/Util/FieldHas...
known_extensions='Amiga/ARexx Amiga/Exec Archive/Tar Attribute/Handlers attributes autodie AutoLoader autouse B base bignum Carp Compress/Raw/Bzip2 Compress/Raw/Zlib Config/Perl/V constant CPAN CPAN/Meta CPAN/Meta/Requirements

When building using perl-cross, the values look like this:
known_extensions='ext/Amiga-ARexx ext/Amiga-Exec ext/attributes ext/B ext/Devel-Peek ext/Errno ext/ExtUtils-Miniperl ext/Fcntl ext/FileCache ext/File-DosGlob ext/File-Find ext/File-Glob ext/GDBM_File ext/Hash-Util ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash ext/I18N-Langinfo ext/IPC-Open3 ext/mro ext/NDBM_File ext/ODBM_File ext/Opcode ext/PerlIO-encoding ext/PerlIO-mmap ext/PerlIO-scalar ext/PerlIO-via ext/Pod-Functions ext/

extensions='ext/attributes ext/B ext/Devel-Peek ext/Fcntl ext/File-DosGlob ext/File-Glob ext/GDBM_File ext/Hash-Util ext/Hash-Util-FieldHash ext/I18N-Langinfo ext/mro ext/NDBM_File ext/Opcode ext/PerlIO-encoding ext/PerlIO-mmap ext/PerlIO-scalar ext/PerlIO-via ext/POSIX ext/re ext/SDBM_File ext/Sys-Hostname ext/Tie-Hash-NamedCapture ext/XS-APItest ext/XS-Typemap cpan/Compress-Raw-Bzip2 cpan/Compress-Raw-Zlib cpan/DB_File cpan/Digest-MD5 cpan/Digest-SHA cpan/Encode cpan/Filter-Util-Call cpan/IPC-SysV cpan/Math-BigInt-FastCalc cpan/MIME-Base64 cpan/Scalar-List-Utils cpan/Socket cpan/Sys-Syslog cpan/Time-Pie

This difference matters because perl's test suite assumes the former variant, and if it is given the latter, it fails to exclude the modules that weren't built from testing, with resulting test failures.

I am not sure what is the best way to fix this, so submitting an issue, rather than a patch :)

arsv commented

What exactly fails in the test suite?

Tests never use directly for that purpose, they load via, which is generated from The script that generates gets patched to strip directory prefixes, so that 'extensions' entry in looks exactly like the tests expect it to.

If there are reasons to do so, I think both extensions and known_extensions can be changed to non-prefixed forms in, as long as nonxs_ext, dynamic_ext and static_ext remain prefixed. But having something that isn't a part of perl-cross reading and expecting perl-compatible content there is a problem in itself, generated by perl-cross is not meant to be compatible with vanilla perl.


The values of extensions and known_extensions are loaded from, then given to _tests_from_manifest() which expects them to be in the non-prefixed format.

arsv commented

Preliminary patch:

Works for me so far, but I'll try running it a bit more with less common options.
This issue is mostly limited to tests but the fix can break more than just the tests.