
`default` parameter doesn't work as advertised

Closed this issue · 5 comments

The documentation says:

default is a boolean value which can be set to true if this child segment should be loaded by default
when no child is specified in the route.

However, this doesn't seem to work in my setup:

        .when('/articles', 'article')
        .when('/articles/new', 'article-new')
        .when('/articles/:id', '')
        .when('/articles/:id/text', 'article.text')
        .when('/articles/:id/annotations', 'article.annotations')
        .when('/articles/:id/settings', 'article.settings')

        .segment('article-new', {
          templateUrl: 'templates/article-new.html'

        .segment('article', {
          templateUrl: 'templates/article.html'
        .segment('text', {
          default: true,
          templateUrl: 'templates/text.html',
          dependencies: ['id']
        .segment('annotations', {
          templateUrl: 'templates/discussions-list.html',
          dependencies: ['id']

      $routeProvider.otherwise({redirectTo: '/articles/0af5e13'});

Instead of loading the 'text' route on /articles/:id, nothing is loaded into the respective view. Everything works as expected for /articles/:id/text.

Come to think of it, I'm wondering if not the parent route would be a better place for specifying which child is the default. Otherwise, it's easy to create ambiguous situations with more than one default: true, for example.

@nschloe Was this indeed a bug? I'm evaluating this as a ui-router replacement and how quickly bugs get fixed is important.

default also breaks IE, since that is a JS reserved word. See

artch commented

@nschloe Could you please make a test showcase, in jsfiddle for example? I couldn't reproduce this.

@hugotox In order to make it work in IE, you can escape it with quotes:

.segment('name', {
  'default': true,

@artch I upgraded and couldn't reproduce this anymore, so feel free to close as you see fit.

Apart from that, it'd probably still be cleaner not to set the default in the child, but in the parent. This avoids ambiguity when two defaults are specified (which is possible right now).

artch commented

Specifiying default in children is handy in cases when you have separated modules with their routes definition, and you don't want to make parent modules know about their children. This "bottom-up" knowledge architecture is more flexible than "top-down".