
Where to find documentation?

Closed this issue · 8 comments


Just wanted to find out where the documentation for this package is? There's no information on the Readme and the wiki isn't accessible(It just keeps redirecting to the code tab when clicked).

I would also appreciate some info on this.

There is an example project.

Let me know if its not enough

Yeah I think a bit more would be a lot better. It's not easy to figure out what the options in the config are and such just by example. You really need both, especially given that this project is directly referenced by NLog and as such is not merely a hobbyist "for fun" project, but is actually a project some people may hope to use in professional contexts(as I did and ended up turning to Serilog instead). It's not that the example is bad, but that it's much easier to process a reference documentation when trying to remember what a parameter does or something like that.

#13 + #16 Have improved with more examples.

They are both merged

So can we close it?
Builds are automated now, it will be easier to publish packages.