
Simple cli app to help mirroring repositories from GitLab to Github



  • Check if repository exists
python3 -m gitlab2github github repo check <repo_name>
  • Create repository
python3 -m gitlab2github github repo create <repo_name>

How to use

Create Acces tokens to communicate with repository and use environment variables to access to repository:

Name Description
GH_TOKEN A GitHub personal access token.
GH_USER GitHub repository owner
GL_TOKEN A GitLab personal access token.
GL_USER GitLab repository owner


# Set environment
export GH_USER=artem-shestakov
export GH_TOKEN=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
export GL_USER=artem-shestakov
export GL_TOKEN=glpat-nJ3PxzaS7im8xBnJyS6a

# Create push mirror from GitLab project id 42771718 to GitHub
python3 -m gitlab2github mirror 42771718 GitLab2GitHub
🚧 Repository "gitlab2github" is being created...
🚀 Repository "gitlab2github" was created
🪞 Mirror for "gitlab2github" is being created...
👍 Mirror for "gitlab2github" was created