FigmaPreview macro
iSapozhnik opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Pretty cool idea, thanks for making it public.
Have you considered/explored already a way to embed this functionality into a custom preview macro?
I imagine this kind of an API:
#FigmaPreview(fileID: "<file-id>", node: "<nide-id>", accessToken: "<access-token>") {
Hi, thank you for the feedback! And you're absolutely right, that's what I'm exploring right now. Here is my rough version:
public struct FigmaPreviewMacro: ExpressionMacro {
public static func expansion(
of node: some FreestandingMacroExpansionSyntax,
in context: some MacroExpansionContext
) -> ExprSyntax {
guard node.argumentList.count == 3 else {
fatalError("compiler bug: the macro does not have arguments")
guard let trailingClosure = node.trailingClosure else {
fatalError("compiler bug: the macro does not have arguments")
let arguments = node.argumentList.compactMap { $0 }
let lastArgument = node.argumentList.last!.expression
return """
#Preview {\(trailingClosure.statements)
.compare(\(arguments[0])\(arguments[1].label!): \(arguments[1].expression))
.environment(\\.figmaAccessToken, \(arguments[2].expression))
And a call looks like:
#FigmaPreview(with: "1", componentID: "2", figmaAccessToken: "3") {
Text("hello, world!")
Were you able to get Canvas to work?
If you're asking about the macro, I'm going to publish it this week.
Great looking forward!
In my case, I was working on a custom preview macro that spins up our design system (loads custom fonts, etc) and I could not make Canvas work. Like with normal #Preview the moment you type #Preview
it immediately picks this up and shows the Preview Canvas. Which never happened with the custom one I was building. Anyhow a different topic :)
Yes, it is a bit tricky. Do you think it's even possible?
I'm not sure. I didn't find relevant information on the internet about this case.