
Marksman eats cpu for breakfast by just typing on a large repository on helix

Opened this issue · 2 comments

This is the repo of markdown files:

I see some similar closed issues related to performance here, but they seem to be a bit different.

I have many .md files:

$ ~/S/L/pages> ls | wc -l

But I also have lots of images on the /assets folder, and a big db file from a notetaking tool called silverbullet

The problem (see htop showing marksman cpu consumption) is that as soon as I type, marksman shots up to 100%:


This is on a fast SSD, powerful desktop. Running Aeon linux (opensuse). Any idea why this is?

Edit: I tried vscode with memo extension (autocompletion of links in md) and it works without kiling the cpu with this same repository. This might help discarding hypothesis about size or about cycles on the graph or somesuch that would destroy performance of something navigating the graph.

I also tried to start a folder from scratch. Copied 20 files. started hx. Everything worked, not killing the cpu.

I am using marksman with neovim editing a small cpp codebase with one or two markdown and I've been consistently running into this issue. For me cpu spikes and sends my little laptop cpu to 96C whenever I return focus to editing after a while away from the editor.

I have an idea what might be the problem in @quesada's case.
For @XiNNiW's case (few markdown files) I have no clue. Further input would be needed.