
Cooldown Period between Retries

jonnyreeves opened this issue · 1 comments

A useful feature addition would be a 'cooldown' or 'backoff' period between retries in LoadingItem which would force the loader to wait a specified amount of time before attempting to load the resource again.

Although this sounds like an odd request - requests for resources from Amazon S3 will sometimes mysteriously fail for a user, yet if you were to retry the request 5 seconds later it would work (see Amazon's own S3 Best Practices document).

An example of the syntax could be: bulkInstance.add("asset.png", {maxTries: 5, cooldown: 2000});

Hey Jonny.

This sounds good. I definitely understand the use case.
If you can wipe up a patch, I'll definitely pull. The only caveat is that I won't pull without tests, so if you can include a test, then we should be good. This feature is probably tricky to test though... if you need help getting the test suite & runner up, just ping me .

When I wrote BulkLoader, all tests ;libs sucked at having asynchronous setup , so i kind of rolled my own...
