
Discord bot that runs Town of Salem!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A discord bot that runs Town of Salem! Built using Node.js and Discord.js


  • Automatic role addition/removal
  • Automatic muting at night
  • Private DM for player moves
  • Realtime timer displayed in chat

Docs (todo: format)


tlive [@mention] tkill [@mention] liveall



askMove(client, targetId, numChoices, validPlayers, callback(id) ) Target: which player to ask numChoices: number of selections to make (1 normally, 2 for bus) validPlayers: the list of players to choose from Returns: id of chosen player If 0, then the player decided to skip If bus driver, pass parameter numbChoices = 2. Will return [player id 1, player id 2], or [0] if skip. askAlert(client, targetId, alertsLeft, callback) Asks if a veteran wants to alert Calls callback(0) if no, callback(1) if yes alertsLeft needed for UI purposes askVest(client, targetId, vestsLeft, callback) Asks if a bodyguard wants to vest Calls callback(0) if no, callback(1) if yes vestsLeft needed for UI purposes askBusDriver(client, targetId, players, callback([id1, id2]) askArsonist(client, targetId, players, callback([move, target]) Pass → move = 0 Douse → move = 1 Ignite → move = 2 askBodyGuard(client, raagetId, players, vestsLeft, callback([move, target]) Vest → move = 1 No vest → move = 0 dmRole(client, targetId, rolename) Dms a person their role dmMessage(client, targetId, message)


sendVote(client, players, day) Players: list of valid players Day: which day it is Sends out a poll in the voting channel countVotes() Counts the votes and returns the id of the person voted out according to game rules If no one is voted out, returns 0 SYNCHRONOUS FUNCTION! (instant) clearVote() Clears the previous poll. lifedeath killPlayer(client, targetId, roleName) Kills player and sends death message in graveyard. reset(client) Revives everyone AND clears the #graveyard channel lynch(client, targetId, roleName) Lynches someone and sends death message in graveyard. clearGraveyard(client) Clears all messages in graveyard channel


sendTown(client, message) Sends a message to town announceDay(client, num) Announces day number (num) in town. Starts visual timer announceNight(client, num) Similar to announceDay revealMayor(client, id) Reveals mayor with id clearTown(client) Clears ALL messages BUT frank’s initial message in #town announceTownWin(client) Announces that town has won announceMafiaWin(client) Does as it sounds announceNeutralWin(client, rolename) Announces that the specified neutral has won. pollPlayers(client) Sends a poll to #town asking players to react if they wanna play getPlayers(client) Returns an array of all players who are playing. If no reactions/no valid poll, will return an empty array.


muteAll(client) Mutes all users in town voice channel unmuteAll(client) Unmutes all users in town voice channel gameMessages consigMsg(rolename) Returns a string with a message for consig trackerMsg(client, targetIds) Returns a string with message for tracker, with usernames of each target lookoutMsg(client, targetIds) Returns a string with message for lookout, with usernames of each target presets A large directory containing all other private messages for players For example: Gm.presets.doctor.you = “Someone tried to attack ur target but u saved them!” Gm.presets.doctor.target = “Someone tried to attack you, but you were protected!”


startTimer() MUST call when bot turns on, in order to actually start the timer setTimer(client, numSeconds, callback() ) Sets a timer for numSeconds seconds in #town. Updates every 2 seconds (to prevent delaying) When time is up, callback() will be called. (no parameters) stopTimer() Stops the timer from ticking and from calling its callback getTimer() Gets the time remaining, in seconds (integer)