Simple node server with json data for SPEAKASSO

###How to get started You need to have Node.js installed. If you don't, install it through the official website: http://nodejs.org/

Clone the project and, in the project folder, run the following in the terminal

npm install

That's it. Now, you can run the server with the following command:

node app.js

By default, it will run in port 3000. If you want to run in a different port, use the port option:

node app.js -p 3001 

You also need to have MongoDB running.


###Testing Run tests using the following commands in the terminal:

mocha app.test.js

###How to query it By default, it runs in http://localhost:3000. The server is really simplistic and accepts only a few requests:

####Examples of supported requests: #####GET http://localhost:3000/getPainters

This will return a list with all painters and their attributes

#####POST http://localhost:3000/insert Stores a specific result in the DB. You must send the following data:

	"email": "test@example.com",
	"name": "John",
	"painter": "leonardo",
	"settings": {}

#####GET http://localhost:3000/results Get all the results from all users

The q parameter follows the partial response format. View the format https://github.com/nemtsov/json-mask

#####GET http://localhost:3000/results?email=test@test.com Get only the results of a specific user