
Instagram client library for Elixir/Phoenix apps

Primary LanguageElixir


Instagram v1 API wrapper written in Elixir.

Please note, this is very much a work in progress. Feel free to contribute using pull requests.

Example usage

I made this simple phoenix app to show how to use exstagram!

See it in action on Heroku: https://exstagram-example.herokuapp.com

Here is the code for the above Heroku app: https://github.com/arthurcolle/exstagram_example

To run it yourself, please run the following commands:

  • git clone https://github.com/arthurcolle/exstagram_example
  • cd exstagram_example
  • mix deps.get
  • npm install (may not be needed, but if you see any node-esque "throw err;" messages, this is why)

Before you can run it yourself, you'll have to configure three environment variables: They are INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_ID, INSTAGRAM_CLIENT_SECRET, and INSTAGRAM_CALLBACK_URL (see exstagram/lib/instagram.ex for usage) Finally, run:

  • mix phoenix.server


  • Clone repo, i.e. git clone https://github.com/arthurcolle/exstagram
  • Run mix deps.get
  • To give it a try, run iex -S mix

Put this in your mix.exs deps section:

     {:instagram, "0.0.4", [github: "arthurcolle/exstagram"]}

See other cool Elixir repos at awesome-elixir

Not on hex.pm yet, but coming soon!