
what is label "255" in target ?

zhaoedf opened this issue · 4 comments


label "255" seem like some kind of edge to me? what is it for?

It's the "unknown" label commonly used in segmentation. This value is discarded both a train- and test-time.

Look at the ignore_index in the cross-entropy:

It's the "unknown" label commonly used in segmentation. This value is discarded both a train- and test-time.

Look at the ignore_index in the cross-entropy:

dose this '255' exists in the original voc dataset? why not assign a specific label to these pixels or set it as bg?

you said this is commonly used in segmentation, where can i find more info? thx.

It exists in the original VOC dataset. You could consider it as bg, but usually that's not-well defined pixels on the boundaries, so everyone discard it.

Hum, I'm not sure about ref for that, just look at any dataset, they all have that

It exists in the original VOC dataset. You could consider it as bg, but usually that's not-well defined pixels on the boundaries, so everyone discard it.

Hum, I'm not sure about ref for that, just look at any dataset, they all have that

i understood, thanks!