
Curried Function Lengths Are Wrong

mgreystone opened this issue · 4 comments

The use of uncurryN is causing functions to return with incorrect lengths. See #26 .


const arity2 = (a, b) => {}

// In funky 1.3.1, these all have a length of 2
// In funky 1.4.2, these all have a length of 1
combineAll([ arity2 ]).length
combineAllP([ arity2 ]).length
combineWith(merge, arity2).length


  1. Force all returning functions to be unary functions.
  2. Follow the "ramda" pattern to force function lengths to be evaluated during compositon.
    In other words, remove auto curry. Force combineAll(arr)(data) & drop support for combineAll(arr, data). Ramda does not allow juxt(arr, data) for this exact reason.
  3. Attempt to apply auto curry magic. #35

If no. 3 creates more trouble than it's worth, I am ok with no. 2 and living with that

My vote continues to be for option 2. I'm not interested in taking #35 any further, but @rpearce (or anyone) please feel free to bang on it.

I'm with you, then. @flintinatux: any opinions?

Depends on which convention we want to follow. I intentionally decided to make tinyfunk only support unary functions, partially for this reason, and partially because it makes the code so much simpler. But ramda tries to support all-the-things. If that's us too, then it's ok to follow the same patterns as ramda.