
Jarvus' guide to learning Ext JS and the community's best practices

The Jarvus Guide to Ext JS

Welcome to the Jarvus Guide to Ext JS! This book is a work-in-progress and is intended to provide a living guide to Jarvus Innovation's evolving best practices in building and maintaining large Ext JS projects.

This book will be maintained in a public GitHub repository and contributions are welcome and will at least be credited, but until an appropriate license can be determined all distribution rights are reserved and copyright Jarvus Innovations.

Why Ext JS?

  • Provides full complement of extensible UI components
  • Provides an effective packaging system for sharing components with accompanying assets and CSS between projects
  • Enables JS to be developed in a form that is independent of how it ultimately gets loaded
  • Provides universal structure and patterns for UI components that can be arbitrarily extended and reused
  • Provides a mature set of tools and best practices for organizing and maintaining large multi-screen Single-Page Applications
  • Provides a way to style reusable components that can be customized by application-level themes
  • Maintained by a dedicated and professional team that is accountable to developers

Learning Ext JS

  1. Understand the fundamentals of the framework and its documentation
  2. Explore all the sources of quality examples and learn how to extract only what you need from them
  3. Get comfortable with navigating and reading the framework's source code using the links in the docs
  4. Use Fiddle and the community for help when you get stuck

Ext JS Licensing Concerns

  • Ext JS is released under dual licenses
  • When you need the commercial license
  • When you can use the open source license