
MIA ArtStories 2015 preview

Opened this issue · 12 comments

I'm going to send the URL around for more intensive testing. Here's an open issue where anyone can leave feedback. We've upgraded our use of "griot" from this treatment for the MIA's African Galleries ("optimized" for iPads, inelegant otherwise) to a responsive web app running at

Map box being weird
screen shot 2015-02-05 at 1 27 46 pm

screen shot 2015-02-05 at 1 30 40 pm

Can we turn these into buttons please? Like so:

screen shot 2015-02-05 at 1 31 22 pm

Just have to say, the performance is great so far. Really snappy.

That 'toggle all' box has to be able to handle two types of cluster: based on gallery location (so it will show a map thumbnail) and based on "theme" (right now the only theme we have is collection highlight, which shows on the non-cluster homepage).

I need to add some logic to differentiate between the two and then not try and show a map for objects "near gallery highlights", then I'd love some help spiffing up the boxes into buttons

Tiling is showing up on some images
screen shot 2015-02-05 at 2 54 12 pm

Hey guys. Apologies in advance if you're aware of this. I noticed at work (where I only have a mouse with a scrollwheel) that I couldn't scroll the front page - up/down wouldn't translate and clicking and dragging didn't work.

Here's a funny thing: on mobile (iPhone 5s), zooming a zoomer in and out feels totally instantaneous and 1:1, but dragging a zoomer seems to lag a little.

@tomborger Did you try shift+scroll? That's how you scroll horizontally.

Ah, I didn't. I forgot that trick.

Love the clustering and the maps. That is going to be so slick.

Thanks, Tom! Kjell should be proud of his handiwork.

You all should. Awesome stuff.