"please add the ensure_git_status_clean action to the beginning of your lane, or if you're absolutely sure of what you're doing then call this action with the :force option." What is mean ?
uthens opened this issue · 5 comments
[10:16:38]: This is a destructive and potentially dangerous action. To protect from data loss, please add the ensure_git_status_clean
action to the beginning of your lane, or if you're absolutely sure of what you're doing then call this action with the :force option.
code same :
desc "Release a new beta version on Hockey"
desc "This action does the following:"
desc ""
desc "- Verifies API keys are non-empty"
desc "- Ensures a clean git status"
desc "- Increment the build number"
desc "- Build and sign the app"
desc "- Upload the ipa file to hockey"
desc "- Post a message to slack containing the download link"
desc "- Commit and push the version bump"
lane :deploy do |options|
version = options[:version]
raise "You must specify a version in A.B.X format to deploy." if version.nil? || version.scan(/\d+.\d+.\d+/).length == 0
hockey_api_token = ENV['xxxxxxxxx']
raise "You must specify a HOCKEY_API_TOKEN environment variable to deploy." if hockey_api_token.nil?
Make sure not to ship with OSS
Make sure we start off with a clean slate
ensure_git_status_clean #<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< problem..
Increment build number to current date
build_number = Time.new.strftime("%Y.%m.%d")
increment_build_number build_number: build_number
Other information:
fastlane : v 1.53.0
ruby : v : ruby 2.1.2p95 (2014-05-08 revision 45877) [x86_64-darwin14.0]
ensure_git_status_clean should be move to "before_all do section" is better ?
it means make sure that git status
returns nothing, so that you always have a blank slate when deploying.
Thanks you so much