
Galleries A-Z page not fetching all the partners

starsirius opened this issue · 4 comments

Looks like it's capped at 2000 partners.

screen shot 2017-09-28 at 5 01 40 pm

Looking into this some more…

The simplest short-term solution would be to simply bump the page-size, to say 40. That doesn't solve the problem but it would postpone it while we figure out a better solution to this issue (or reconsider the value of an A-Z page which has grown so large)

Seems like lifting the cap postponed the problem for some time, but now we're back up against the wall with some newly-joined partners not showing up in the list again.

@roop and @starsirius, do you have a sense of whether this is something that could be completed in a half day during bug-bash time, or is it a bigger issue entirely?

roop commented

Pinging the right roop: @anandaroop