iOS interviewing blog post
orta opened this issue · 5 comments
orta [6:06 AM]
alrighty, so interview time for C4Q peeps
recommended reading
This looks like a great resource:
( If aimed a little bit higher than you lot are )
orta [6:11 AM]
ah here it is, it’s quite long mind-you,
kairavillanueva [6:20 AM]
For interviewing with iOS stuff, are employers more inclined to ask question related to programming in Swift vs Objective-C?
orta [6:24 AM]
I think they’d expect some comprehension in both
but FWIW, in my junior interviews it’s all done in obj-c
for the coding aspect ( we do some pair programming )
then all of the talk is about cocoa + code abstractions rather than specicifcs
orta [6:40 AM]
I think a CV aims to be “me in 2 pages"
Show Maxim's CV? Show _everyone's CV?!_
orta [6:42 AM]
recommendations I’ve made before to juniors
if you think your design skills will sell
then you should include screenshots on your CV
if there’s one company you’re really after
then don’t apply to them first
see if you can get some interviews to test your mettle
charles [6:49 AM]
because you’re bound to make mistakes for the first however many?(edited)
orta [6:49 AM]
then aim a CV directly at them
charles [6:49 AM]
i really, really want to work at spotify :)
orta [6:49 AM]
awesome, then find out about their culture
and aim your CV at that
and don’t forget to network, if you’re very specifically after one place - don’t hesitate to ask me if I know someone there
if you do find someone, then see about doing coffee with someone already there in order to really grok the culture
when I’m in NYC I do 2-3 coffees a week with people of all experience levels
charles [6:54 AM]
that must make for a pretty busy schedule
orta [6:54 AM]
hah - I’m generally a pretty busy guy
oh yeah
I know this is a push, but aside from coffees where I’ll probably drag you to manhattan
I will be at this every week whenever I am in NYC, ash/dave are usually there every week too
we have that time/space to help raise the waterlevel for everyone
and you’re all welcome
charles [7:03 AM]
every time i find a new framework or project like fastlane makes me realize i’ve learned like 5% of what there is to learn
had no idea what it was before this :upside_down_face:
orta [7:03 AM]
yeah, there’s more out there than a single person can learn
some other ideas
while I am throwing them out
Eidolon: Code Review Ash Fu...
Open Expectations Orta Ther...
Licenses for OSS Code Orta ...
Emergence: Code Review Orta...
are probably some of the things people might touch on
haha - so much stuff to read/watch
might have to try make an artsy blog post out of all this too
Email I just got:
What do you expect to see in a Junior iOS Dev application / portfolio?
I was thinking of refining the following to send off to tech companies:
- Website / Portfolio link
- Version of an App
- anything else?
Also, if you can point me in the direction of any Junior Dev portfolios online, it'd be a greatly helpful to see (and gather ideas of) what is typically sent.
I'm trying to be very specific and detailed about what I send. I have a robust portfolio from my last position (web content marketing) before the move to iOS - but I don't think I can showcase my skills as much considering the recent career change. My application will be a little thinner regarding what I can demo.
Ash's and my current ones are basically the front pages of our website:
This happened!