embedding font in strapdown git repo
Opened this issue · 3 comments
Strapdownjs website mention that self-hosting requires to save all files contained in /v/<version_number>
For convenience the library is hosted at strapdownjs.com (as in the source above), but if you prefer to host it yourself make sure to save all files contained in /v/<version_number>, as the library dynamically loads all necessary stylesheets, etc.
But there is nonetheless one request going out of the self-hosting server: the font downloaded from Google APIs.
Could it be possible to embed all resources in the strapdownjs website so that the website can work everywhere, even on internal networks that do not have access to the internet?
And one more reason to do that is that get resources from anywhere on the internet can be prevented by strict content security policies (CSP).
Is this repo still alive? Is this project still maintained?
Last I checked, this repo was dead. Do have a look at https://github.com/obedm503/bootmark .
Thanks a lot @jamiejackson for visiting this issue. And thanks also for making me doscover bootmark.
It is a bit more difficult than strapdown to use, as I find the document a bit worse. But in the end, it seems to work well, and it is maintained!