
Meta comments support for giter statement

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Would be nice to add kinda support for meta comments in the source project, eq:

// -g8- if(dbmigration.truthy)
        _ <- DBMigration[IO].migrate("db/migrations")
// -g8- endif

Could be rendered as:

        _ <- DBMigration[IO].migrate("db/migrations")

And append a default properties:


Out ou the box it works with a Perl (postprecessing), I would be more than happy to open a PR with this feature if you are interested.

Cheers, and kudo for this <3 project !

hi @onouguier-ledger, sorry for the late reply. I'm happy to accept your PR or work on the feature. Is Scala 3 a show-stopper for you? I just released a new version migrated to use Scala3, but I can roll back this if needed or make it release for both 2 and 3.

ok, I reverted the changes and only upgraded to Scala 2.13

Hi, I'll give a look asap !