
Server Sent Events implementation

masaoliou opened this issue · 1 comments

This application runs with lighttpd and is mounted as cppcms::app::asynchronous.

Client never gets the message.

If this is because the output is not completely flushed, how do I manually force it out?
If this is because I need to append an end-of-message indicator to the end of the outbound message, how do I implement it?

void server_sent_event::send_to_client(booster::shared_ptr<cppcms::http::context> context,unsigned type,const std::string &message)
	context->response().out() << "event:" << type << "\n" << "data:" << message << "\n\n";
	context->async_complete_response(); //EDIT: This call does force out the message to client, but it also close the connection. I want the connection to be persistent.
		[](cppcms::http::context::completion_type result){
			BOOSTER_DEBUG("send") << result; //always "0"

This issue is solved thanks to this.