
Where do I find "Links" and "Social" on your demo page?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I see that you set LINKS and SOCIAL in your, but I don't see them on the demo web page itself. Where are they?

@hatdropper1977 Good catch.. Its not used anywhere. May be I should remove from documentation. If you want to show author social links you can use AUTHORS_BIO

  "arul": {
    "name": "Arulraj V",
    "cover": "",
    "image": "",
    "website": "",
    "location": "Chennai",
    "bio": "• Architect • DevOps • Full Stack Developer • Aspiring Entrepreneur •",
    "twitter": "arulrajnet",
    "facebook": ""

That's perfect, thanks!

OK - I tried to add linkedin and github and they don't show up. Any ideas how to set these two?

  "jsobanski": {
    "name": "John Sobanski",
    "cover": "",
    "image": "",
    "website": "",
    "location": "Washington, DC",
    "bio": "Electrical Engineer turned Cloud Architect.<p><img src=\'\' alt=\'Cert\'></p><p>License AWS-ASA-18116 (July 1st 2016 – July 1st 2018)</p>",
    "linkedin": "",
    "github": "",