
join forces with satyagraha/gfm_viewer & winterstein/Eclipse-Markdown-Editor-Plugin ?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

hello arundhaj,

I was just looking for an Eclipse MD editor, and found yours, but also & - you're probably already aware of them?

May be you'd like to join forces with them, and improve those projects through your contributions & pull requests to them? Just a thought! Feel free to ignore.

Best regards,

Hi Michael,
I like to thank you for the suggestions.

I've tried winterstein's plugin before I decided to write my own. I expected something which winterstein does in different way.

And I'm hearing gfm_viewer for the first time from you. Thanks for letting me know.

I could have contributed to those projects, but actually I'm not a plugin-developer. I just learnt a little bit as much required for this project.
