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This is a SpecFlow-Selenium functional UI testing framework created using Selenium WebDriver with NUnit and C# (.Net core) in SpecFlow BDD methodology and Page Object Pattern.

Prerequisites to run the application:

  1. Visual Studio (2022 with V17.2 or higher)
  2. Browsers (Chrome or Firefox)


ConfigurationBuilder project is responsible for constructing configs from multiple json files.

  • User secrets are used for sensitive test data

UI.Framework project is responsible for supporting test execution.

  • Support for Chrome and Firefox
  • Support for screen shots
  • Support for both local (dev machine) and cloud (Azure devops) execution

SpecFlow Tests:



  • Acceptance tests are written in feature files under /Tests/Features/ folder using standard Gherkin language using Given, When, Then, But format with an associated step definition for each test step. Test steps in the scenarios explains the business conditions/behaviour and the associated step definition defines how the scenario steps are automated.
  • Support for parallel execution

Build and Release process:


Every commit made (merge to master or a push to remote branch) will trigger a build process under arvinthseran.enterprise-automation-test-suite pipeline.


Every release pipeline would be picking up the build artifact from arvinthseran.enterprise-automation-test-suite build

Parallel Test Execution Limitations:

This framework supports Feature Level parallelization (tests under different feature file will run in parallel) not Scenario Level parallelization (tests under same feature file will not execute in parallel).

Latest test execution results

