A comprehensive and modern application for managing and viewing payslips. This project provides an intuitive interface for users to access, view, and download their payslips with ease.
User-Friendly Interface: Elegant payslip cards with animated transitions for a delightful user experience.
Payslip Details: Displays key details such as the payslip ID, period, and an option to download the payslip file.
Responsive Design: Ensures a consistent and visually appealing layout across various devices.
Animated Transitions: Utilizes React Spring to implement smooth and eye-catching animations.
Cross-Platform Compatibility: Supports web, iOS, and Android platforms using Capacitor.
npm install
- To build and sync:
npm run build && npx cap sync
- for ios:
npx cap run ios
- for android:
npx cap run android
Before getting started with development, make sure you have the following installed:
Node.js 18+
Capacitor CLI
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/payslips-app.git
- Change into the project directory:
cd payslips-app
- Install dependencies:
npm install
Before deploying to iOS and Android, ensure you have the following:
- Xcode (for iOS)
- Android Studio (for Android)
Open native projects:
- for android:
npx cap open android
- for ios:
npx cap open ios
Build and run using the native IDEs