
Semester 2

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Hello man, do you have the resources of semester 2? It's empty here

Hey buddy, Yes I do! I will start adding ASAP and you can expect it complete by the next few days. I was caught up in college course work :(

I am glad to have helped you with this, you can check out the quantum computing collection repository as well for more theory, workshops projects and code programs. It is pinned in my profile page and is very helpful..!

Hey man, Hope you're doing good, I;m so sorry I could not update the repository till this moment. But do not worry, I have created the directories and shall be adding the code notebooks + the lecture slides for Semester 2 completely in the next 3-4 days.

I hope this has not hindered your progress anyway! Stay safe, Take Care


As a notification, I will close this issue as soon as I finish updating the repository and start the documentation part for the same :)