
Problem with test message from ./configure

Closed this issue · 1 comments

configure prints this message

Then, to test yacfe simply type:
 ./yacfe demos/foo.c

but running this produces:

$ ./yacfe demos/foo.c
warning: Can't find macro file: /home/pad/github/yacfe/config/macros/standard.h
init_env: /home/pad/github/yacfe/config/envos/environment_splint.h
Fatal error: exception Sys_error("/home/pad/github/yacfe/config/envos/environment_splint.h: No such file or directory")

Thanks for fixing this! I may have a round of cosmetic changes tomorrow (things like trailing whitespace) and a round of small functional improvements after that, plus possibly an opam file.

BTW, as you are an emacs user (apparently), I find these useful for noticing tabs and trailing whitespace that I've accidentally put in my code.

;; This shows off any garbage trailing whitespace
(setq-default show-trailing-whitespace t)
;; This shows off any tabs chars by stretching the cursor
(setq x-stretch-cursor t)

(set-face-attribute 'trailing-whitespace nil :background "gray")

(Some tabs are needed, of course, like the ones in Makefiles.)