
getting 404 on boostrap templates for buttons

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi I've installed ng-s3upload via bower and I am getting a 404: 404 (Not Found)

I have also tried to use a custom path

app.config(function(ngS3Config) {
    ngS3Config.theme = '/path/to/button.html';

but it is simply pre-pending 'theme/' to the path resulting in another 404, probably the result of this function:

templateUrl: function(elm, attrs) {
    var theme = attrs.theme || ngS3Config.theme;
    return 'theme/' + theme + '.html';

Have any ideas?

just noting here that adding a custom theme does not work, I was able to get this to work by changing the template url to return the correct path to the file in relation to my project.