

conda create -n cs285 python=3.7

source activate cs285

# Get tensorflow 1.14 and CUDA 10.2
conda install cudatoolkit=10.2
pip install tensorflow-gpu=1.14

# Include 'baselines' folder
pip install -e baselines

# Get retro contest depedendency, might have to install docker,rest
git clone --recursive https://github.com/openai/retro-contest.git
pip install -e "retro-contest/support[docker,rest]"

# download game ROMS
python -m retro.import.sega_classics

Joint Reptile training

Edit ppo2_reptile.py with the desired hyperparameters/checkpoints. Run with

python ppo2_reptile.py

Edit ppo2_eval.py with desired hyperparameters/checkpoints to run evaluation in parallel

Important Links

Gym Retro Setup

Retro Docs