
How to use this package in Bootstrap-Laravel?

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I am wondering how to use this package in Laravel with Bootstrap?

@desyashasyi if you converted it in bootstrap can you post the changes?

@desyashasyi if you converted it in bootstrap can you post the changes?

you can custom class style to bootstrap form-select like this:


namespace App\Http\Livewire\Custom\Components;

use Asantibanez\LivewireSelect\LivewireSelect;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class Tags extends LivewireSelect

    public function options($searchTerm = null): Collection
        return collect([
                'value' => 'honda',
                'description' => 'Honda',
                'value' => 'mazda',
                'description' => 'Mazda',
                'value' => 'tesla',
                'description' => 'Tesla',

    public function styles() // Add this method for customing class element
        return [
            'default' => 'form-select w-50',