
Error messages about opensslv1

mooky31 opened this issue · 1 comments

Migrating to ubuntu 22.04, I get tons of these warnings with PAC 6.3.3:

WARNING: The key derivation method "opensslv1" is deprecated. Using -pbkdf=>'pbkdf2' would be better.
Pass -nodeprecate=>1 to inhibit this message.
 at /opt/asbru/lib/ line 2731.
WARNING: The key derivation method "opensslv1" is deprecated. Using -pbkdf=>'pbkdf2' would be better.
Pass -nodeprecate=>1 to inhibit this message.
 at /opt/asbru/lib/ line 2732.

Looks fixed here: #816
But I can't upgrade due to #1033 :'(