
where I should add ssh options?

ynasida opened this issue · 5 comments


Please advice where I should add ssh options like:

-o KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -oPubKeyAcceptedAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa

Is it possible ?


Edit Connection -> SSH Options -> Advanced Options

Thanks a lot! But there is no PubKeyAcceptedAlgorithms.


Right ...
Asbru does not have that option yet even in the loki branch.
Not sure what's going on with this project but the last commit on loki branch happened 7 months ago.
Maybe is time to look for other options.

I was using PAC, then Asbru.. Somebody will pick up it again I believe :)
Thank you!

Check this file -->

And feel free to submit a PR, it will be merged !
(see this as an example)