
Very odd issue when connecting to old systems via ssh

ddevz opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the bug
I tried logging into a really old system recently (debian etch) and got a really strange result.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. create a entry to connect to a old system via ssh
  2. double click on it (result: it logs in and gives you a command prompt)
  3. hit enter (result: linefeed pushes all lines up by one, but shell does not give a new prompt)
  4. type ls{enter} (result: it shows "ls" and linefeed pushes all lines up by one, but no directory listing
  5. open a new local tab in asbru (control-shift-T)
  6. ps aux | grep ssh (returns: blah blah "ssh -p 22 -x -o KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 -l {username} {ip address}"
  7. cut and paste that command into the command line of the current local shell in asbru that you are using then hit enter (result: it logs in and gives you a command prompt)
  8. hit enter (result: linefeed pushes all lines up by one, and then gives you a new prompt)
  9. hit ls{inter} (result: shows a directory listing)

Expected behavior
expected it to work like it does in the local shell tab.

Environment (please complete the following information):
asbru system:

  • asbru - v6.4.1 (obtained from the so needed "about" dialog :)
  • debian bullseye

target system:

  • debian etch (really old)
  • openssh-server 1:4.3p2-9etch3

Additional context
Don't spend a lot of time with this as it is a edge case and it is a survivable situation. but if you have any ideas I'd be interested in hearing them as something strange is definitely going on!