
"Invalid sigil" error while trying to connect to a Windows 11 VM

maxdrake69 opened this issue · 0 comments

Describe the bug
Having asbru-cm v.6.4.0 installed on kubuntu 22.04, after setting up a straightforward RDP connection when I try to connect I get this error (followed bya long xfreerdp usage-sintax-example list) :
[09:46:18:996] [18252:18252] [ERROR][com.winpr.commandline] - Failed at index 1 [/parent-window:98608597]: Invalid sigil

To Reproduce
Nothing special, just a plain new connection shows that.

Expected behavior
Please consider that I also tried to launch xfreerdp directly from a terminal
xfreerdp /u:username /v:machineaddress:3389
and it just works fine giving a fully working session

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS: kubuntu 22.04 (plasma on x11) with latest updates
  • Ásbrú Version 6.4.0

Additional context