
Corrections Appliqués/Applied #20 – [Accesibilité/Accessibility]

Closed this issue · 3 comments


Il y a une image dans la page sans attribut alt (toute image doit avoir l’attribut alt même si c’est une image décorative)

Dans les microfiches, il y a une erreur HTML (exemple ici qu'il y a une image sans alt:

Voir dans le div class m-top ckanext-datapreview


There is an image on the page that does not have an alt attribute (all images must have one even if the image is decorative)

In the microfiches, there is an HTML error (ex: since there is an image without alt"

See in the div class m-top ckanext-datapreview


Ce n'est pas réellement une image mais un iframe qui tente d'importer les images d'alouette (ne marche pas par ftp). Iframe ne possède pas d'attribut alt. Il existe des solutions plus complexe mais il est mieux d'attendre que celle ci soit implémenter dans ckan. Me corriger si j'ai tord

Addressed by 4a421b8 and 1fec618.

As J-Bytes mentioned, iframes do not have alt-text attributes. They do, however, support titles. According to

“Iframes usually do not cause accessibility issues for users as long as the iframe has a title and the structure of a document within the iframe make sense within the container document.”

They emphasize that meaningful titles can partially fulfill accessibility requirements. In our case, the iframe titles are generated dynamically for each resource and include both the resource and dataset name. We believe that this fulfills the requirement for a meaningful title.



This solution needs to be approved by Comms. If they do not accept it, we will reopen the issue.

Slight correction: images on the Data Explorer page are not in fact within iframes. Alt-text has been added to these images in eba7f3d.