
Data_proxy not working

Closed this issue · 14 comments

Data proxy seems to require a public ip address or ckan. We can avoid using it by using resource_proxy. Simply add resource_proxy to the plugins list in the ckan config file. This combine to a good usage of datapusher should enable the preview functionnality

A double check on somebody else's ckan installation will be required to move forward. Once this is done, simply adding resource_proxy to the list of ckans.plugins in the configuration file should be enough

@J-bytes resource_proxy added to the plugin list on development.ini on my VM. Unable to visualize a csv from @ data. I tried the link with both http and https. Am I missing something?


@nfee006 when you created the dataset , was datapusher running ? If not , simply running it and changing the url ( when a new url is detected , datapusher re-fetch the data so changing it to a fake url and changing it back will do the trick) should do the trick . If however datapusher was running, I would need to dig deeper to find the root of the issue

Reimported all the data with datapusher running and getting the same error as Natasha.

@J-bytes Datapusher was running but I restarted CKAN and Datapusher & recreated the dataset just in case. I did realize that I was running an outdated version of ckanext-asc-csa so I I updated that. Still getting this. Maybe it's a firewall issue? I guess it's working on Citrix for you?

What file did you edit to add that warning by the way? It doesn't seem to translate.


Translation are not handled in a file by file basis. See . Translation are added to the .po file. I've suggested to wait until we do new releases to push to the server to review new translations. If needed I can do the translation today ( "@" me if necessary)

Also, are urls to the data server publicly accessible or only internally through the vpn? If so, I would expect the links only to work on the server and not on our local VM

@ data is only accessible via the VPN right now (my understanding) but my VM has access to the CSA network. I'm able to view those files if I go to the link directly.

You are then officially further then I've ever been on the development of the visualisation as my VM can't access the VPN. Did you tried creating a dud datasets with some public facing csv file from another source? I had tried it and it seemed to work with another source of data. Try replicating this so we can pinpoint the error.

Works fine with any public csv. It always has though on my side.

when you loaded the data did the datapusher's console report any error?

I have a sneaking suspicion that there may be something wrong with CKAN on my VM. I'll email you once I figure this out. Thanks!

I think there might be something wrong with how data is stored and/or retrieved on/from the datastore. If you compare the output from to the same call on @ data, there is clearly something off. I get the same output as @DaTa on my VM CKAN as well.

Resource_proxy has been added to the plugin list on @ data.

Resolved on @ data. The solution was to avoid using either - we fixed SSL certificate issues in datapusher, allowing us to use the datastore instead of a proxy.