
A modular network sniffer daemon written in C++

Primary LanguageC++


A modular network sniffer written in c++

I make this project on my free time to improve my understanding of networks and networks protocol.

I'm not responsible of what you do with this software. Use it only for testing purpose on your local network.

How it work

There is a program running in background (cameleon-daemon) and a program to send command to the daemon (cameleon).

I was inspired by Docker for there daemon system. The client communicate with the daemon via Unix domain socket.

I use the libtins from Mathias Frontanini for all network operations. Thanks to him for this amazing lib !


You will need libtins on your system, please see here : http://libtins.github.io/download/

You MUST compile the library with c++11 support !

You will also need clang++. (You can use g++ if you want, just change the Makefile)

Then download the whole repository then extract it somewhere and run :

sudo make install

This will make the programm then create a directory /etc/cameleon for the unix socket and finally copy cameleon-daemon and cameleon to /usr/bin.


  • First run the daemon with root privilege
sudo cameleon-daemon
  • Then you can send command to the daemon. See help
cameleon help
  • Start module
cameleon start <module_name> <instance_name> [options]
  • Display running modules
cameleon ps
  • Stop module
cameleon stop <instance_name>
  • Stop the daemon
cameleon exit

Filename must by provided with ABSOLUTE path.

Availables Modules

See all availables module :

> cameleon list


Start Man In The Middle attack by arp poisoning.

You have to provide a file with the hosts you want spoof and the gateway ip.

The hosts file must contain only one ip address per line.

> cameleon start mitm myMitm /path/to/file/hosts.txt


Dump all dns queries with the source ip in a file.

> cameleon start dnsdump my-dump /path/to/file/queries.txt


Forge replies to specifics dns queries.

You must provide a hostfile with the host to spoof. This file must be in hosts(5) format. (eg: google.fr)

> cameleon start dnsspoof spoof /path/to/file/hosts


Capture POST request.

You can capture all request.

> cameleon start postsniffer allreq all /path/to/file/allposts.txt

Or only request to a specific hostname.

> cameleon start postsniffer allhost host /path/to/file/allhost.txt  yoursite.com

Or only request who contains the specified keys.

> cameleon start postsniffer my_keys keys /path/to/file/postkeys.txt foo bar toto


Capture the specified cookies.

You can capture all cookies.

> cameleon start cookiesniffer allcookies all /path/to/file/cookies.txt

Or only cookies to a specific hostname.

> cameleon start cookiesniffer hostcookies host /path/to/file/cookies.txt yoursite.fr

Or only cookies who match specified keys.

> cameleon start cookiesniffer keyscookies keys /path/to/file/cookies.txt _session __utm


Reset tcp connections on a specific port. This will send reset packet for EACH tcp packet sent.

You can use wildcard address :

> cameleon start tcpkill <instance_name> <dst_ip> <src_ip> <port>

Kill all https connections from to

> cameleon start tcpkill sslkill 443

Kill all ftp connections to

> cameleon start tcpkill allftp 21

Kill all http connection from

> cameleon start tcpkill 80


Watch visited urls.

You can watch all urls visited.

> cameleon start surfwatcher allurl all /path/to/file/url.txt

Or only urls visited by a specific ip.

> cameleon start surfwatcher fromip ip /path/to/file/url.txt

Or only visits to a specific host.

> cameleon start surfwatcher urlhost host /path/to/file/url.txt yoursite.fr