
CSS refers to font not necessarily available on the system

odrotbohm opened this issue · 2 comments

The asciidoctor.css of the default theme uses

body { …, font-family:"Noto Serif","DejaVu Serif",serif; }

which renders in Times New Roman on systems that don't have Noto installed. Does it make sense to bundle up the fonts used in the themes?

Good observation. The default stylesheet is written with the assumption that those fonts will be loaded as web fonts. (See And that's precisely what Asciidoctor's HTML converter does. As I understand it, however, a browser extension cannot load fonts directly from the web (or it can but we don't want it to?). If that's the case, then they should probably be bundled so that they can be loaded least by the default stylesheet.

a browser extension cannot load fonts directly from the web (or it can but we don't want it to?

CSP policies, Google Chrome won't load Google Fonts because it's unsafe 🥲
My hope was that it will eventually be added in a allow-list but I guess we will need to bundle fonts.

We might want to use to make it easier to manage.