
Gradle Error With JDK 10 on Win 10

tajmone opened this issue · 6 comments

On my first run of asciidoctor-fopub, under Windows 10 with JDK 10.0.2 I got the following error:

Initializing application...
[ ... ]
Unzipping C:\Users\MYNAME\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-2.8-bin\6b804shgjemjgh821qgf318li1\ to C:\Users\MYNAME\.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-2.8-bin\6b804shgjemjgh821qgf318li1

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Could not determine java version from '10.0.2'.

Any clues?

Possibly related Issues/PRs:

JEP-322 is a modification to the Java versioning scheme to accommodate the time-based release model that the JDK is moving to. Starting with JDK 10-ea build 36, the changes from this version scheme are in play and the version dection logic now breaks because of the addition of the to the version output. This commit adjusts for that. Additionally, future LTS releases of the JDK will contain an appended " LTS" as well, so this commit adjuts for that too.

I've worked around the problem by uninstalling JDK 10 and installing JDK 8, and ascidoctor-fopub works fine.

It's a pitty though that it forces to fall back on the old Java version, if you could update it and implement the fixes mentioned at the links above it would really great!

Thanks for your report.

I'm still looking for a maintainer for this project. I have way too many things on my plate to work on this project, and my interests are elsewhere. But I know there are people who still rely on it and I'd like to see it continue to evolve. I'll file a separate issue to make a more visible request.

I have way too many things on my plate to work on this project, and my interests are elsewhere.

I can imagine, Asciidoctor is such a huge project, interacting with so many other tools and standards that keeping it always up to date with those evolving standards must be a huge task; and then there are all the Asciidoctor-related tools (like this one, and the various editor packages, like Sublime Asciidoctor, ecc.).

I admire your work, and are really greateful to your for it, for I've been following Asciidoctor development in the course of the last four years. I can barely believe that you manage to keep all the pieces of such a complex picture together — for me, just learning to use Asciidoctor forced me to study various standards (DocBook, ERB templates, ecc.), and I only digged into what I need for my personal work.

But having to keep up with all these standards, dependencies, etc., ... it must be quite a challenge (surely, not one for the faint of heart).

I wish I could help more here, but DocBook, XSL, FOP and Gradle are beyond my competence in terms of maintainance.

Thanks @tajmone!

I try not to think about how many projects I manage because, when I do, I freak out a little bit. But it helps a lot of people and provides a fun challenge for me, both of which keep me going.

As mentioned in #88, it now seems fixed for I've manged to run gradle succesfuly with Java JDK 12!