No looping in gif as of v1.4.0, regardless of `--no-loop=false`
PawelLipski opened this issue · 6 comments
PawelLipski commented
I needed to use ImageMagick (mogrify -loop 0 <gif>
) to add looping 🤔
Looping absent both without --no-loop
and with --no-loop=false
For context, I've used the following agg
agg --speed=0.75 --theme="$theme" \
--cols=122 --rows=35 \
--font-size=14 --line-height=1.2 \
"$cast_path" "$gif_path"
I can provide more details if needed.
LandonTClipp commented
Confirmed that looping behavior works in v1.3.0.
PawelLipski commented
@LandonTClipp can you repro the bug on v1.4.0? I can provide a .cast file + agg
command if needed
LandonTClipp commented
Yes the bug happens in 1.4.0 for me. I meant that the bug does not exist in 1.3.0.
Zhengqbbb commented
ku1ik commented
Hmmkay, this should be easy fix.
ku1ik commented
Fixed in 1.4.1.