
No looping in gif as of v1.4.0, regardless of `--no-loop=false`

PawelLipski opened this issue · 6 comments

I needed to use ImageMagick (mogrify -loop 0 <gif>) to add looping 🤔

Looping absent both without --no-loop and with --no-loop=false.

For context, I've used the following agg command:

agg --speed=0.75 --theme="$theme" \
  --cols=122 --rows=35 \
  --font-size=14 --line-height=1.2 \
  "$cast_path" "$gif_path"

I can provide more details if needed.

Confirmed that looping behavior works in v1.3.0.

@LandonTClipp can you repro the bug on v1.4.0? I can provide a .cast file + agg command if needed

Yes the bug happens in 1.4.0 for me. I meant that the bug does not exist in 1.3.0.

v1.4.0 gif No looping!

asciinema rec a.cast
echo nice
echo nice
echo nice
echo end
agg a.cast a.gif


ku1ik commented

Hmmkay, this should be easy fix.

ku1ik commented

Fixed in 1.4.1.